Aims & Rules Clinic
Thank you to all who came and especially Tracy Nelson
LOCATION: Schwarzwald Kennel and Fur Fin Feather
The handlers clinic will be limited to the first twenty people to sign up. With it being a first come first serve basis early entry is essential to make sure that you obtain a spot. There are currently multiple remaining vacancies in the clinic so if you are contemplating signing up it would behoove you to sign up before these spots are filled.
The cost will be $125 per person. Checks are to be made out o Pocono Mountain NAVHDA. Once your application and check have been received your spot will be reserved, this means do not just fill out the form and delay the check because someone who is on the ball may take the last spot.
The clinic will cover testing from Natural Ability to Utility. Do not bring your dogs if you are attending dogs for each level will be provided by a volunteer. The chapter will also need some volunteers as the clinic is run similar to a test.
Clinic leader will be determined.
The Handler Clinic is an educational tool developed by NAVHDA to help dog owners and handlers understand the testing system. The clinic will be run by a NAVHDA Senior Judges whom is also a clinic leader. There is discussion of Test mechanics, the scoring system and NAVHDA philosophy. The group will then go out to the field to judge and score dogs being run in the actual Test process. Each dog will be scored after the fun and then there is a discussion of performance and scoring. It is recommended to bring a note book and pen/pencil to take notes.